Author ID: CBA000096231

Sober, Elliott R.

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Chapter Elliott Sober (2023)
Realismo, empirismo, strumentalismo. Ciò che possiamo imparare dalla legge di verosimiglianza e dall’AIC. In: Realismo e antirealismo nelle scienze: Un percorso multidisciplinare. (/isis/citation/CBB778401467/) unapi

Article Stuart A. Newman; Peter Godfrey-Smith; Daniel L. Hartl; et al. (2021)
Remembering Richard Lewontin (1929–2021). Biological Theory (pp. 257-267). (/isis/citation/CBB028869735/) unapi

Article Sober, Elliott R.; Mehmet Elgin (2017)
Popper’s Shifting Appraisal of Evolutionary Theory. HOPOS (pp. 31-55). (/isis/citation/CBB951176684/) unapi

Article Casey Helgeson (2016)
Modus Darwin Reconsidered. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. (/isis/citation/CBB763277191/) unapi

Article Peter Gildenhuys (2016)
Laplaceanism Defended. Biology and Philosophy (pp. 395-408). (/isis/citation/CBB636100150/) unapi

Book Elliott Sober (2015)
Ockham's Razors: A User's Manual. (/isis/citation/CBB056518949/) unapi

Article José Díez; Pablo Lorenzano (2015)
Are natural selection explanatory models a priori?. Biology and Philosophy (pp. 787-809). (/isis/citation/CBB225246599/) unapi

Article Hunter, Cornelius (2014)
Darwin's Principle: The Use of Contrastive Reasoning in the Confirmation of Evolution. HOPOS (pp. 106-149). (/isis/citation/CBB001421706/) unapi

Book Sober, Elliott (2011)
Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards? Philosophical Essays on Darwin's Theory. (/isis/citation/CBB001230081/) unapi

Book Sober, Elliott (2008)
Evidence and Evolution: The Logic behind the Science. (/isis/citation/CBB000774888/) unapi

Book Kincaid, Harold; Dupré, John; Wylie, Alison (2007)
Value-Free Science? Ideals and Illusions. (/isis/citation/CBB000772377/) unapi

Chapter Sober, Elliott (2007)
Sex Ratio Theory, Ancient and Modern: An Eighteenth-Century Debate about Intelligent Design and the Development of Models in Evolutionary Biology. In: Genesis Redux: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Artificial Life (p. 131). (/isis/citation/CBB000774728/) unapi

Essay Review Humphreys, Paul; Sober, Elliot; Woodward, James (2006)
Invariance, Explanation, and Understanding. Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science. (/isis/citation/CBB001566692/) unapi

Thesis Forber, Patrick (2006)
The Traces of Change: Evidence in Evolutionary Biology. (/isis/citation/CBB001561719/) unapi

Chapter Sober, Elliott (2005)
Comparative Psychology Meets Evolutionary Biology: Morgan's Canon and Cladistic Parsimony. In: Thinking with Animals: New Perspectives on Anthropomorphism (p. 85). (/isis/citation/CBB000772880/) unapi

Article Hitchcock, Christopher; Sober, Elliott (2004)
Prediction versus Accommodation and the Risk of Overfitting. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB000410745/) unapi

Book Carroll, John W. (2004)
Readings on Laws of Nature. (/isis/citation/CBB000471057/) unapi

Article Sober, Elliott; Hecht Orzack, Steven (2003)
Common Ancestry and Natural Selection. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (p. 423). (/isis/citation/CBB000410733/) unapi

Chapter Sober, Elliott (2003)
Metaphysical and epistemological issues in modern Darwinian theory. In: The Cambridge Companion to Darwin (p. 267). (/isis/citation/CBB000359565/) unapi

Book Sober, Elliott; Orzack, Steven Hecht (2002)
Adaptationism and Optimality. (/isis/citation/CBB000501233/) unapi


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