4 citations
related to Smolinski, Alfred W. von
4 citations
related to Smolinski, Alfred W. von as an author
Carl E. Moore; Alfred von Smolinski; Albert Claus; et al.
On the First Law of Thermodynamics and the Contribution of Julius Robert Mayer:new Translation and Consideration of a Rejected Manuscript.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(p. 122).
Jaselskis, Bruno; Moore, Carl E.; Smolinski, Alfred von
Theodor von Grotthuss (1785--1822)---A Trail Blazer.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(p. 119).
Moore, Carl E.; Smolinski, Alfred von; Jaselskis, Bruno
The Ostwald-Gibbs Correspondence: An Interesting Component in the History of The Energy Concept.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(p. 114).
Stock, John; Orna, Mary Virginia
Electrochemistry, past and present.
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