61 citations
related to Regiomontanus
1 citations
related to Regiomontanus as an author
60 citations
related to Regiomontanus as a subject or category
Birth and Death Dates 1436-1476
Glen Van Brummelen
Decimal fractional numeration and the decimal point in 15th-century Italy.
Historia Mathematica
(pp. 1-13).
Lars Gislén
Longitudes, Syzygies, and Instruments in Regiomontanus’ Calendar for 1475–1531.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 91-104).
Alberto Bardi
The Cosmos in Your Hand: A Note on Regiomontanus's Astrological Interests.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 361-396).
Joaquín Guerola Olivares
Clavius, Pitiscus y la primera demostración del teorema del coseno para los lados de un triángulo esférico cualquiera.
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
(pp. 15-36).
Anne Tihon
L’astronomie et Bessarion : tradition et modernité.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 104-125).
Alberto Bardi; Pietro Daniel Omodeo
The Disputational Culture of Renaissance Astronomy: Johannes Regiomontanus’s “An Terra Moveatur An Quiescat”.
In: Early Modern Disputations and Dissertations in an Interdisciplinary and European Context
(pp. 233-254).
Siebren van der Werf
Nautical Tables for Vasco da Gama, 1497–1500?.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 326-338).
Richard L. Kremer
How Did the Turketum (or Torquetum) Get Its Name?.
In: Scientific Instruments between East and West
(pp. 80-107).
Gianfranco Crupi
Volvelles of knowledge. Origin and development of an instrument of scientific imagination (13th-17th centuries). Italian Journal of Library, Archives, and Information Science
(pp. 1-27).
Glen Van Brummelen
The End of an Error: Bianchini, Regiomontanus, and the Tabulation of Stellar Coordinates.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 547-563).
N. M. Swerdlow
Cardano’s Malicious Horoscope and Gaurico’s Morbid Horoscope of Regiomontanus.
In: For the Sake of Learning: Essays in Honor of Anthony Grafton
Marchand, Suzanne L.
(pp. 561-571).
Raynaud, Dominique
Un Fragment du De speculis comburentibus de Regiomontanus copié par Toscanelli et inséré dans les Carnets de Leonardo (Codex Atlanticus, 611rb/915ra).
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 306-336).
Malpangotto, Michela
L'univers auquel s'est confronté Copernic: La sphère de Mercure dans les Theoricae novae planetarum de Georg Peurbach.
Historia Mathematica
(p. 262).
Kremer, Richard Lynn
Hans Sporer's Xylographic Practices: A Census of Regiomontanus's Blockbook Calendar.
Bibliothek und Wissenschaft
(p. 161).
Shank, Michael H.
The Geometrical Diagrams in Regiomontanus's Edition of His Own Disputationes (C. 1475): Background, Production, and Diffusion.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(p. 27).
Lindgren, Uta
Die Bedeutung von Regiomontans Ephemeriden für die Entdeckung Amerikas.
In: Astronomie in Nürnberg: Anläßlich des 500. Todestages von Bernhard Walther (1430--1504) und des 300. Todestages von Georg Christoph Eimmart (1638--1705)
(p. 145).
Schmidt, Eckehard
Finsternisse über Nürnberg---1050--2050.
In: Astronomie in Nürnberg: Anläßlich des 500. Todestages von Bernhard Walther (1430--1504) und des 300. Todestages von Georg Christoph Eimmart (1638--1705)
(p. 197).
Shank, Michael H.
Regiomontanus as a Physical Astronomer: Samplings from The Defence of Theon against George of Trebizond.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(p. 325).
Byrne, James Steven
The Stars, the Moon, and the Shadowed Earth: Viennese Astronomy in theFifteenth Century.
Folkerts, Menso; Kühne, Andreas
Astronomy as a Model for the Sciences in Early Modern Times: Papers from the International Symposium, Munich, 10--12 March 2003.
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