34 citations
related to Ramus, Petrus
1 citations
related to Ramus, Petrus as an author
33 citations
related to Ramus, Petrus as a subject or category
Birth and Death Dates 1515-1572
Robinet, André
Aux sources de l'esprit cartésien: L'axe La Ramée-Descartes de la Dialectique de 1555 aux Regulae.
Freedman, Joseph S.
The diffusion of the writings of Petrus Ramus in central Europe, c. 1570-c. 1630.
Renaissance Quarterly
(pp. 98-152).
Tonelli Olivieri, Grazia
Ideale lulliano e dialettica ramista: Le Dialecticae institutiones del 1543.
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa
(pp. 885-929).
Hooykaas, R.
Humanities, mechanics and painting (Petrus Ramus, Francisco de Holanda).
Revista da Universidade de Coimbra
(pp. 1-29).
Oldrini, Guido
Questioni di metodologia ramista: Matematica e “mezzo omogeneo”.
In: Filosofia e cultura: Per Eugenio Garin
(p. 249).
Maclean, Ian
Philosophical books in European markets, 1570-1630: The case of Ramus.
In: New perspectives on Renaissance thought: Essays in the history of science, education, and philosophy in memory of Charles B. Schmitt
(p. 253).
Book Prosateurs latins en France au XVIe siècle (1987). (/isis/citation/CBB000034520/)
Article Pierre de la Ramée (Ramus) (1986). Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques (pp. 3-100). (/isis/citation/CBB000041304/)
Bruyère, Nelly
Le Fonds Pierre de la Ramée des bibliothèques de France.
Nouvelles de la République des Lettres
(pp. 71-97).
Hooykaas, R.
G. J. Rheticus' treatise on Holy Scripture and the motion of the Earth. With translation, annotations, commentary and additional chapters on Ramus-Rheticus and the development of the problem before 1650.
Matvievskaia, Galina P.
Ramus, 1515-1572. (In Russian.).
Sellberg, Erland
Filosofin och nyttan. 1: Petrus Ramus och ramismen. (Philosophy and use. 1: Petrus Ramus and Ramism.).
Sharratt, Peter
Peter Ramus and the reform of the university: The divorce of philosophy and eloquence?.
In: French Renaissance studies, 1540-70: Humanism and the encyclopedia
(p. 4).
Knafla, Louis A.
Ramism and the English Renaissance.
In: Science, technology, and culture in historical perspective
(p. 26).
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