Person ID: CBA000082600

Quine, Willard Van Orman

Show 33 citations related to Quine, Willard Van Orman
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Birth and Death Dates 1908-2000

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Related Citations

Article Reto Gubelmann (2019)
From Shared Stimuli to Preestablished Harmony: The Development of Quine’s Thinking on Intersubjectivity and Objective Validity. HOPOS (pp. 343-370). (/isis/citation/CBB218676874/) unapi

Article Henri Wagner (2019)
Quine’s Substitutional Definition of Logical Truth and the Philosophical Significance of the Löwenheim-Hilbert-Bernays Theorem. History and Philosophy of Logic (pp. 182-199). (/isis/citation/CBB360374445/) unapi

Book Sander Verhaegh (2018)
Working from Within: The Nature and Development of Quine's Naturalism. (/isis/citation/CBB017543811/) unapi

Article Timm Lampert (2017)
Underdetermination and Provability: A Reply to Olaf Müller. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (pp. 389-400). (/isis/citation/CBB594548710/) unapi

Article Sander Verhaegh (2017)
Quine's ‘needlessly Strong’ Holism. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 11-20). (/isis/citation/CBB648291998/) unapi

Article Stefan Brandt (2017)
Sellars and Quine on Empiricism and Conceptual Truth. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (pp. 108-132). (/isis/citation/CBB983413994/) unapi

Article Olaf L. Mueller (2016)
Prismatic Equivalence – A New Case of Underdetermination: Goethe vs. Newton on the Prism Experiments. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (pp. 323-347). (/isis/citation/CBB847582954/) unapi

Article M. Ashraf Adeel (2015)
Evolution of Quine’s Thinking on the Thesis of Underdetermination and Scott Soames’s Accusation of Paradoxicality. HOPOS (pp. 56-69). (/isis/citation/CBB313549096/) unapi

Book Greg Frost-Arnold (2013)
Carnap, Tarski, and Quine at Harvard: Conversations on Logic, Mathematics, and Science. (/isis/citation/CBB416944911/) unapi

Article Kraal, Anders (2013)
The Emergence of Logical Formalization in the Philosophy of Religion: Genesis, Crisis, and Rehabilitation. History and Philosophy of Logic (pp. 351-366). (/isis/citation/CBB001213917/) unapi

Book Isaac, Joel (2012)
Working Knowledge: Making the Human Sciences from Parsons to Kuhn. (/isis/citation/CBB001210035/) unapi

Article Frost-Arnold, Greg (2011)
Quine's Evolution from “Carnap's Disciple” to the Author of “Two Dogmas”. HOPOS (p. 291). (/isis/citation/CBB001230109/) unapi

Article Browna, Frank Markham (2010)
McColl and Minimization. History and Philosophy of Logic (pp. 337-348). (/isis/citation/CBB001210979/) unapi

Book Engler, Ole; Iven, Mathias (2010)
Moritz Schlick: Ursprünge und Entwicklungen seines Denkens. (/isis/citation/CBB001032068/) unapi

Chapter Hon, Giora (2009)
Error: The Long Neglect, the One-Sided View, and a Typology. In: Going Amiss in Experimental Research (p. 11). (/isis/citation/CBB001020625/) unapi

Book Zanet, Giancarlo (2007)
Le radici del naturalismo: W.V. Quine tra eredità empirista e pragmatismo. (/isis/citation/CBB000760115/) unapi

Thesis Frost-Arnold, Gregory G. (2006)
Carnap, Tarski, and Quine's Year Together: Logic, Mathematics, and Science. (/isis/citation/CBB001560950/) unapi

Article Mancosu, Paolo (2005)
Harvard 1940--1941: Tarski, Carnap and Quine on a Finitistic Language of Mathematics for Science. History and Philosophy of Logic (p. 327). (/isis/citation/CBB000740620/) unapi

Book Orenstein, Alex (2002)
W. V. Quine. (/isis/citation/CBB000201507/) unapi

Article Vinogradov, E. V. (2002)
Villard Kuain: portret analiticheskogo filosofa XX veka. Voprosy filosofii (pp. 105-117). (/isis/citation/CBB000203016/) unapi


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