299 citations
related to Paracelsus, Theophrast von Hohenheim
7 citations
related to Paracelsus, Theophrast von Hohenheim as an author
299 citations
related to Paracelsus, Theophrast von Hohenheim as a subject or category
Birth and Death Dates c. 1493-1541
Didier Kahn
Quintessence and the Prolongation of Life in the Works of Paracelsus.
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
(pp. 183-226).
Marco Zini
Paracelso (1493-1541). Quando l'alchimia diventa terapia. La farmacologia alchemica.
Atti e Memorie, Rivista di Storia della Farmacia
(pp. 7-12).
Andrew W. Sparling
Providence and Alchemy: Paracelsus on How Knowledge Unfolded, Matter Developed, and Bodies Might Be Perfected.
Didier Kahn
Le Fixe et le volatil. Chimie et alchimie de Paracelse à Lavoisier: Chimie et alchimie, de Paracelse à Lavoiser.
Didier Khan
Paracelsus’ Ideas on the Heavens, Stars and Comets.
In: Unifying Heaven and Earth: Essays in the History of Early Modern Cosmology
(pp. 59-116).
Didier Kahn
Le fixe et le volatil: chimie et alchimie, de Paracelse à Lavoisier.
Jole Shackelford
Transplantation and Corpuscular Identity in Paracelsian Vital Philosophy.
In: Early Modern Medicine and Natural Philosophy
(pp. 229-253).
Gunhild Pörksen
„Darum nun sollt ihr wissen, daß der Mensch ein Magnet ist…“. Magnetismus als Urphänomen in Paracelsus’ naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften.
Nova Acta Paracelsica: Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Paracelsus-Gesellschaft.
Theodore Ziolkowski
Alchemist in Literature: From Dante to the Present.
Karen Virginia Hunger Parshall; Michael Thomson Walton; Bruce Thomas Moran
Bridging Traditions: Alchemy, Chemistry, and Paracelsian Practices in the Early Modern Era.
Dane T. Daniel
Paracelsus on the Sidereal Powers: Revisiting the Historiographical Debate between Walter Pagel and Kurt Goldammer.
In: Bridging Traditions: Alchemy, Chemistry, and Paracelsian Practices in the Early Modern Era
(pp. 209-225).
Conleth Loonan
Epistemic and Ontological Reality of the Elements for Robert Boyle.
In: Crossing Oceans: Exchange of Products, Instruments, Procedures and Ideas in the History of Chemistry and Related Science
(pp. 249-269).
Guido Panzarasa
Rediscovering Pyrotartaric Acid: A Chemical Interpretation of the Volatile Salt of Tartar.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 1-8).
Christopher Partridge
The Occult World.
Hedesan, Georgiana D.
Paracelsian Medicine and Theory of Generation in “Exterior homo”, a Manuscript Probably Authored by Jan Baptist Van Helmont (1579--1644).
Medical History
(pp. 375-396).
Roling, Bernd
Exkurs ins Pflanzenreich: Die Rose des Paracelsus. Die Idee der Palingenesie und die Debatte um die natürliche Auferstehung zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit.
In: Zoology in Early Modern Culture: Intersections Of Science, Theology, Philology, and Political and Religious Education.
Gilly, Carlos
Il Dibattito Intorno a Paracelso in Basilea.
Azogue: Revista Electrónica Dedicada al Estudio Histórico-Crítico de la Alquimia
(p. 260).
Gilly, Carlos
Il Paracelsismo e il programma editoriale di Pietro Perna.
Azogue: Revista Electrónica Dedicada al Estudio Histórico-Crítico de la Alquimia
(p. 275).
Pérez, Miguel López
Spanish Paracelsus Revisited and Decontaminated.
Azogue: Revista Electrónica Dedicada al Estudio Histórico-Crítico de la Alquimia
(p. 339).
Gilly, Carlos
Zwinger e Paracelso.
Azogue: Revista Electrónica Dedicada al Estudio Histórico-Crítico de la Alquimia
(p. 298).
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