7 citations
related to Otlet, Paul
7 citations
related to Otlet, Paul as a subject or category
Birth and Death Dates 1868-1944
Antonietta Folino
Alle origini della Classificazione Decimale Universale: La corrispondenza tra Paul Otlet e Melvil Dewey.
Loïc Charles; Yann Giraud
Seeking the “museum of the future”: Public exhibitions of science, industry, and the social, 1910–1940.
History of Science
(pp. 133-154).
Alex Wright
Cataloging the World: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age.
Acker, Wouter Van
Internationalist Utopias of Visual Education: The Graphic and Scenographic Transformation of the Universal Encyclopaedia in the Work of Paul Otlet, Patrick Geddes, and Otto Neurath.
Perspectives on Science
(p. 32).
Ducheyne, Steffen
“To Treat of the World”: Paul Otlet's Epistemology and Ontology and the Circle of Knowledge.
Journal of Documentation
(pp. 223-244).
Pyenson, Lewis; Verbruggen, Christophe
Ego and the International: The Modernist Circle of George Sarton.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(p. 60).
Evans, James
On the origin of the Ptolemaic star catalogue.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(p. 155).
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