5 citations
related to Matalová, A.
5 citations
related to Matalová, A. as an author
Book Folia Mendeliana: Papers relating to Mendell and the early development of genetics (1988). (/isis/citation/CBB000053885/)
Book Gregor Mendel and the foundation of genetics: Proceedings of the symposium The past, present and future of genetics, part one, held in Kupařovice, Czechoslovakia, August 26-28, 1982 (1983). (/isis/citation/CBB000062224/)
Book Folia Mendeliana: Papers relating to Mendel and to the early development of genetics (1979). (/isis/citation/CBB000006191/)
Matalová, A.
J. Křiženecký papers in the Mendelianum (Brno, Czechoslovakia).
Mendel Newsletter
(pp. 1-5).
Book Folia Mendeliana: Papers relating to Mendel and to the early development of genetics (1978). (/isis/citation/CBB000008631/)
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