Person ID: CBA000058248

Latour, Bruno

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Birth and Death Dates 1947-

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Chapter Bruno Latour (2014)
The More Manipulation, the Better. In: Representation in Scientific Practice Revisited (pp. 347-350). (/isis/citation/CBB193046175/) unapi

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Actor--Network Theory and Methodology: Just What Does It Mean to Say That Nonhumans Have Agency?. Social Studies of Science (pp. 134-149). (/isis/citation/CBB001421170/) unapi

Article Roland, Maria Inês de França; Gianini, Reinaldo José (2014)
Redes sociotécnicas de assistência à saúde em acupuntura: estudo de caso sobre a formação básica de estudantes de medicina. História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos (pp. 477-511). (/isis/citation/CBB001420721/) unapi

Article Berry, Dominic (2014)
Bruno to Brünn; or the Pasteurization of Mendelian Genetics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (pp. 280-286). (/isis/citation/CBB001421636/) unapi

Article Tresch, John (April 2013)
Another turn after ANT: An interview with Bruno Latour (Discussion). Social Studies of Science (pp. 302-313). (/isis/citation/CBB883617949/) unapi

Article Latour, Bruno (April 2013)
Biography of an inquiry: On a book about modes of existence (Discussion). Social Studies of Science (pp. 287-301). (/isis/citation/CBB031241284/) unapi

Article Thumfart, Alexander (2013)
Rhetorische Epistemologie der Wissenschaften. Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric (p. 199). (/isis/citation/CBB001200975/) unapi

Book Latour, Bruno (2013)
An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns. (/isis/citation/CBB001213176/) unapi

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The Materiality of Things? Bruno Latour, Charles Péguy and the History of Science. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 3-28). (/isis/citation/CBB001252829/) unapi

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Senses of Localism. History of Science (pp. 477-500). (/isis/citation/CBB001211125/) unapi

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Whatever Happened to Knowledge?. Social Studies of Science (p. 474). (/isis/citation/CBB001250758/) unapi

Article Lynch, Michael (2012)
Self-Exemplifying Revolutions? Notes on Kuhn and Latour. Social Studies of Science (p. 449). (/isis/citation/CBB001250754/) unapi

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Where Would STS Be without Latour? What Would Be Missing?. Social Studies of Science (p. 456). (/isis/citation/CBB001250755/) unapi

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Article Fuller, Steve (2012)
CSI: Kuhn and Latour. Social Studies of Science (p. 429). (/isis/citation/CBB001250751/) unapi

Article de la Bellacasa, Maria Puig (February 2011)
Matters of care in technoscience: Assembling neglected things. Social Studies of Science (pp. 85-106). (/isis/citation/CBB272290328/) unapi


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