5 citations
related to Lansberge, Philip van
5 citations
related to Lansberge, Philip van as a subject or category
Birth and Death Dates 1561-1632
Graney, Christopher M.
Stars as the Armies of God: Lansbergen's Incorporation of Tycho Brahe's Star-size Argument into the Coperncican Theory.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 165-172).
Vermij, Rienk H.
Putting the Earth in Heaven. Philips Lansbergen, the Early Dutch Copernicans and the Mechanization of the World Picture.
In: Mechanics and Cosmology in the Medieval and Early Modern Period
(p. 121).
Shi, Yun-li
The anonymous author of the preface to Tianbu Zhenyuan by Smogulenski and Xue Fengzuo.
Guangxi Minzu Xueyuan Xuebao
(pp. 23-26).
Vermij, Rienk
Waarom werd Philips Lansbergen Copernicaan?.
Scientiarum Historia
(pp. 39-64).
Hallyn, Fernand
Un poème inédit de Philippe Lansbergen sur l'étoile nouvelle de 1604.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies
(pp. 258-265).
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