Person ID: CBA000054000

Kircher, Athanasius

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Birth and Death Dates 1602-1680

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Chapter Strasser, Gerhard F. (1996)
Science and pseudoscience: Athanasius Kircher's Mundus subterraneus and his Scrutinium ... pestis. In: Knowledge, science, and literature in early modern Germany (p. 219). (/isis/citation/CBB000074860/) unapi

Chapter Wittstadt, Klaus (1996)
Der Enzyklopädist und Polyhistor als neuzeitlicher Gelehrtentypus: Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680). In: Literaten, Kleriker, Gelehrte: Zur Geschichte der Gebildeten im vormodernen Europa (p. 269). (/isis/citation/CBB000076592/) unapi

Article Piaia, Gregorio (1996)
Il padre Athanasius, l'atomista canonico e l'isola-del-giorno-prima: Divagazioni sul seicento filosofico di Umberto Eco. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia (pp. 333-340). (/isis/citation/CBB000072356/) unapi

Article Knobloch, Eberhard (1995)
Harmony and chaos: Mathematics serving a teleological understanding of the world. Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza (pp. 55-89). (/isis/citation/CBB000070965/) unapi

Article Ziller Camenietzki, Carlos (1995)
L'extase interplanétaire d'Athanasius Kircher: Philosophie, cosmologie et discipline dans la Compagnie de Jésus au XVIIe siècle. Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza (pp. 3-32). (/isis/citation/CBB000070988/) unapi

Book Hankins, Thomas L.; Silverman, Robert J. (1995)
Instruments and the imagination. (/isis/citation/CBB000067152/) unapi

Article Findlen, Paula (1995)
Scientific spectacle in Baroque Rome: Athanasius Kircher and the Roman College Museum. Roma Mod. Contemp. (pp. 625-665). (/isis/citation/CBB000077664/) unapi

Article Baldwin, Martha (1995)
The snakestone experiments: An early modern medical debate. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 394-418). (/isis/citation/CBB000070876/) unapi

Article Knobloch, Eberhard (1994)
Harmonie und Kosmos: Mathematik im Dienste eines teleologischen Weltverständnisses. Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte (pp. 14-40). (/isis/citation/CBB000045567/) unapi

Chapter Leinkauf, Thomas (1994)
“Mundus combinatus” und “ars combinatoria” als geistesgeschichtlicher Hintergrund des Museum Kircherianum in Rom. In: Macrocosmos in Microcosmos: Die Welt in der Stube: Zur Geschichte des Sammelns 1450 bis 1800 (p. 535). (/isis/citation/CBB000056066/) unapi

Article Corradino, Saverio (1993)
L'Ars magna lucis et umbrae di Athanasius Kircher. Archivum Historicum Societatis Jesu (pp. 249-279). (/isis/citation/CBB000043353/) unapi

Book Hein, Olaf (1993)
Die Drucker und Verleger der Werke des Polyhistors Athanasius Kircher S.J.: Eine Untersuchung zur Produktionsgeschichte enzyklopädischen Schrifttums im Zeitalter des Barock unter Berücksichtigung wissenschafts- und kulturhistorischer Aspekte. Teil 1: Allgemeiner Teil: Analytische Essays, Einzel-Aspekte und Ergebnisse, Iconographie, Tabellen. (/isis/citation/CBB000068776/) unapi

Book Cipriani, Giovanni (1993)
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Book Leinkauf, Thomas (1993)
Mundus combinatus: Studien zur Struktur der barocken Universalwissenschaft am Beispiel Athanasius Kircher SJ (1602-1680). (/isis/citation/CBB000063156/) unapi

Article Baldwin, Martha (1993)
Alchemy and the Society of Jesus in the 17th century: Strange bedfellows?. Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (pp. 41-64). (/isis/citation/CBB000043963/) unapi

Chapter Knobloch, Eberhard (1992)
Rapports historiques entre musique, mathématique et cosmologie. In: Quadrivium: Musique et sciences (p. 123). (/isis/citation/CBB000048076/) unapi

Chapter Whitehouse, Helen (1992)
Towards a kind of Egyptology: The graphic documentation of ancient Egypt, 1587-1666. In: Documentary culture: Florence and Rome from Grand-Duke Ferdinand I to Pope Alexander VII: Papers from a colloquium held at the Villa Spelman, Florence, 1990 (p. 63). (/isis/citation/CBB000062380/) unapi

Article Leinkauf, Thomas (1991)
Die Centrosophia des Athanasius Kircher SJ: Geometrisches Paradigma und geozentrisches Interesse. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (pp. 217-229). (/isis/citation/CBB000031002/) unapi

Chapter Bartòla, Alberto (1991)
Il matematico e gli astri: Contributo allo studio dell'arithmologia di Athanasius Kircher. In: Gli arcani delle stelle: Astrologi e astrologia nella Biblioteca Casanatense (p. 151). (/isis/citation/CBB000047511/) unapi

Chapter Priesner, Claus (1990)
Defensor alchymiae: Gabriel Clauder versus Athanasius Kircher: Defence strategies of alchemists in the 17th and 18th century. In: Alchemy revisited. Proceedings of the international conference on the history of alchemy at the University of Groningen 17-19 April 1989 (p. 229). (/isis/citation/CBB000031626/) unapi


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