33 citations
related to Jones, David S.
33 citations
related to Jones, David S. as an author
Madeline J. Williams
Disability Democracy: The Origins of Blind-Led Organizing in the United States, 1829-1935.
Kiran Sambhaji Kumbhar
Healing and Harming: The "Noble Profession" of Medicine in Post-Independence India, 1947-2015.
Brad Bolman
The Voyage of the Scientific Beagle: Dogs in the Physical and Biomedical Sciences.
David S. Jones
COVID-19, History, and Humility.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 370-380).
David S. Jones
Review of "Nurturing Indonesia: Medicine and Decolonisation in the Dutch East Indies".
Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science.
David S. Jones
Review of "Sharks Upon the Land: Colonialism, Indigenous Health, and Culture in Hawai'i, 1778-1855".
Journal of American History.
David S Jones; Kavita Sivaramakrishnan
(August 2018)
Making heart-lung machines work in India: Imports, indigenous innovation and the challenge of replicating cardiac surgery in Bombay, 1952-1962.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 507-539).
David S. Jones; Kavita Sivaramakrishnan
Transplant Buccaneers: P.K. Sen and India’s First Heart Transplant, February 1968.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 303-332).
David S. Jones
Surgical Practice and the Reconstruction of the Theraputic Niche: The Case of Myocardial Revascularization.
In: Technological Change in Modern Surgery: Historical Perspectives on Innovation
(pp. 185-216).
David S. Jones
Therapeutic Evolution or Revolution?: Metaphors and Their Consequences.
In: Therapeutic Revolutions: Pharmaceuticals and Social Change in the Twentieth Century.
David Jones
Review of "Caring for the Heart: Mayo Clinic and the Rise of Specialization".
Bulletin of the History of Medicine.
Elena Fratto
Medicine As Storytelling: Emplotment Strategies in the Definition of Illness and Healing (1870-1930).
David S. Jones; Jeremy A. Greene; Jacalyn Duffin; et al.
Making the Case for History in Medical Education.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 623-652).
Jones, David S.
Broken Hearts: The Tangled History of Cardiac Care.
Jones, David S.
How Personalized Medicine Became Genetic, and Racial: Werner Kalow and the Formations of Pharmacogenetics.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 1-48).
Jones, David S.
Review of "Miraculous Plagues: An Epidemiology of Early New England Narrative".
Bulletin of the History of Medicine.
Rossi, Michael Paul
The Rules of Perception: American Color Science, 1831--1931.
Whitmarsh, Ian; Jones, David S.
What's the Use of Race? Modern Governance and the Biology of Difference.
Jones, David S.
Therapeutic History and the Need for Archives: The Case of Cardiac Revascularization.
Journal of the History of Dentistry
(p. 119).
Jones, David S.
Review of "Lovers and Livers: Disease Concepts in History".
Bulletin of the History of Medicine.
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