73 citations
related to Hamlin, Christopher S.
73 citations
related to Hamlin, Christopher S. as an author
Christopher Hamlin
So Who Cares? Taking Livingston out of Africa.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 805-808).
Christopher Hamlin
Review of "Experimental Selves: Person and Experience in Early Modern Europe".
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.
Sally Shuttleworth; Melissa Dickson; Emilie Taylor-Brown; et al.
Progress and pathology: Medicine and culture in the nineteenth century.
Ian Burney; Christopher Hamlin
Global Forensic Cultures: Making Fact and Justice in the Modern Era.
Sarah E. Naramore
I Sing the Body Republic: How Benjamin Rush Created American Medicine.
Christopher Hamlin
Review of "The History of the London Water Industry, 1580–1820".
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry.
Essay Review
Christopher Hamlin
You Say “Myth” Like It’s a Bad Thing.
Science and Education.
Christopher Hamlin
Review of "Confronting Contagion: Our Evolving Understanding of Disease".
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.
Christopher Hamlin
The Pedagogical Roots of the History of Science: Revisiting the Vision of James Bryant Conant.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 282-308).
Sean P. Phillips
Pox and the Pulpit: The Catholic Church and the Propagation of Smallpox Vaccination in Early Nineteenth-Century France.
Hamlin, Christopher
Review of "Public Health in the British Empire: Intermediaries, Subordinates, and the Practice of Public Health, 1850--1960".
Victorian Studies.
Hamlin, Christopher S.
Surgeon Reginald Orton and the Pathology of Deadly Air: The Contest for Context in Environmental Health.
In: Toxic Airs: Body, Place, Planet in Historical Perspective
(pp. 23-49).
Hamlin, Christopher S.
More Than Hot: A Short History of Fever.
Hamlin, Christopher
Forensic Cultures in Historical Perspective: Technologies of Witness, Testimony, Judgment (and Justice?).
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 4-15).
Hamlin, Christopher
Review of "The Dawn of Green: Manchester, Thirlmere, and the Victorian Environment".
Technology and Culture.
Hamlin, Christopher
Charles Kingsley: From Being Green to Green Being.
Victorian Studies
(pp. 255-281).
Hamlin, Christopher
Review of "A Modern History of the Stomach: Gastric Illness, Medicine and British Society, 1800--1950".
American Historical Review.
Hamlin, Christopher
The Cholera Stigma and the Challenge of Interdisciplinary Epistemology: From Bengal to Haiti.
Science as Culture
(pp. 445-447).
Allen-Emerson, Michelle; Choi, Tina Young; Hamlin, Christopher
Sanitary Reform in Victorian Britain.
Hamlin, Christopher
Environment and Disease in Ireland.
In: Environment, Health and History
(p. 45).
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