11 citations
related to Gamini, Amir Mohammad
11 citations
related to Gamini, Amir Mohammad as an author
Amir-Mohammad Gamini
Review of "Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Ṭūsī al-Risāla al-Muʿīniyya (al-Risāla al-Mughniya) and its Supplement".
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.
Amir-Mohammad Gamini
A Critique of Darwin’s The Descent of Man by a Muslim Scholar in 1912: Muḥammad-Riḍā Iṣfahānī's Examination of the Anatomical and Embryological Similarities Between Human and Other Animals.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 485-511).
Amir Mohammad Gamini; Fatemeh Keyghobadi
Ghīyāth al-Dīn Manṣūr Dashtakī’s Al-Safīr fī al-Hayʾa: an Abridged Treatise in “Hayʾa” of Safavid Period.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 115-131).
Amir-Mohammad Gamini
Quṭb al-Dīn Al-Shīrāzī and the Development of Non-Ptolemaic Planetary Modeling in the 13th Century.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 165-203).
Amir Mohammad Gamini
Review of "Quṭb al-Dīn Shīrāzī and the Configuration of the Heavens".
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science).
Amir Mohammad Gamini
Encountering Darwin's Theory of Evolution in the Qajar Period: Muḥammad Riḍā Iṣfahānī and Human Evolution.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 297-350).
Amir Mohammad Gamini
Diversity and Variety of Hayʾa Books in Islamic Civilization.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 243-290).
Gamini, Amir Mohammad; Hamedani, Hossein Masoumi
Al-Shīrāzī and the Empirical Origin of Ptolemy's Equant in His Model of the Superior Planets.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 47-67).
Gamini, Amir Mohammad
The Venus Transit and the Order of the Planets in Islamic Hay'a Works.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 41-63).
Gamini, Amir Mohammad
A Survey of the Arguments for the Immobility and Centricity of the Earth in the Hay'a Books.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 45-80).
Gamini, Amir Mohammad
Quṭb al-Dīn Shīrāzī's Planetary Theory in Ikhtyārāt Muẓaffarī.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 39-54).
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