Author ID: CBA000034022

Freudenthal, Gad

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Book Ofer Elior; Gad Freudenthal; David Wirmer (2020)
Gersonides' Afterlife: Studies on the Reception of Levi ben Gerson’s Philosophical, Halakhic and Scientific Oeuvre in the 14th through 20th Centuries. Officina Philosophica Hebraica Volume 2. (/isis/citation/CBB315459134/) unapi

Article Gad Freudenthal (2019)
The Physical and Epistemological Foundations of Levi ben Gershom's Astrology: Providence and Israel's Redemption within the Natural History of Humankind. Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (pp. 59-130). (/isis/citation/CBB370001794/) unapi

Review Gad Freudenthal (2018)
Review of "Gersonides: A Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Philosopher-Scientist". Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism. (/isis/citation/CBB659143079/) unapi

Review Gad Freudenthal; Samuel M. Stern (2017)
Review of "Isaac Israeli: A Neoplatonic Philosopher of the Early Tenth Century". Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism. (/isis/citation/CBB098621883/) unapi

Article Gad Freudenthal (2016)
Gersonides and the Jacob’s Staff in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries: Unnoticed Enigmas, New Perspectives. Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period (pp. 29-53). (/isis/citation/CBB510008305/) unapi

Article Gad Freudenthal; Resianne Fontaine (2016)
Philosophy and Medicine in Jewish Provence, Anno 1199: Samuel Ibn Tibbon and Doeg the Edomite Translating Galen's Tegni. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy (pp. 1-26). (/isis/citation/CBB064615288/) unapi

Article Gad Freudenthal (2016)
Abraham Ibn Daud, Avendauth, Dominicus Gundissalinus and Practical Mathematics in Mid-Twelfth Century Toledo. Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (pp. 60-106). (/isis/citation/CBB580258318/) unapi

Article Gad Freudenthal (2016)
Samuel Ibn Tibbon as the Author of Melaḵah Qeṭanah, the Hebrew Translation from Arabic of Galen's Tegni: Probes into the Evolution of His Philosophical Terminology. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy (pp. 27-43). (/isis/citation/CBB434282971/) unapi

Article Freudenthal, Gad; Mandosio, Jean-Marc (2014)
Old French into Hebrew in Twelfth-Century Tsarfat: Medieval Hebrew Versions of Marbode's Lapidary. Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (pp. 11-187). (/isis/citation/CBB001214160/) unapi

Article Gad Freudenthal; Mauro Zonta (2012)
Avicenna among Medieval Jews the Reception of Avicenna's Philosophical, Scientific and Medical Writings in Jewish Cultures, East and West. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy (pp. 217-287). (/isis/citation/CBB832685091/) unapi

Article Freudenthal, Gad; Fontaine, Resianne (2012)
Gersonides on the Dis-/order of the Sublunar World and on Providence. Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (pp. 299-328). (/isis/citation/CBB001211059/) unapi

Review Freudenthal, Gad (2012)
Review of "Evidence and Interpretation in Studies on Early Science and Medicine Essays in Honor of John E. Murdoch". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences. (/isis/citation/CBB001231901/) unapi

Chapter Freudenthal, Gad (2011)
Arabic and Latin Cultures as Resources for the Hebrew Translation Movement: Comparative Considerations, Both Quantitative and Qualitative. In: Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (p. 74). (/isis/citation/CBB001232569/) unapi

Chapter Freudenthal, Gad (2011)
Medieval Alchemy in Medieval Jewish Cultures: A Noted Absence. In: Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (p. 343). (/isis/citation/CBB001232584/) unapi

Chapter Freudenthal, Gad (2011)
The Assimilation of Greco-Arabic Learning by Medieval Jewish Cultures: A Brief Bibliographic Introduction. In: Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (p. 13). (/isis/citation/CBB001232567/) unapi

Chapter Freudenthal, Gad (2011)
Introduction: The History of Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures: Toward a Definition of the Agenda. In: Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB001232566/) unapi

Book Freudenthal, Gad (2011)
Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures. (/isis/citation/CBB001232565/) unapi

Article Freudenthal, Gad; Roubinek, Jan (2011)
Georg (Jirí) Alter (1891--1972): Astronomer, Historian of Astronomy, and Musician. Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (p. 115). (/isis/citation/CBB001034306/) unapi

Article Freudenthal, Gad (2011)
Dossier: Georg Alter (1891--1972) on David Gans (1541--1613). Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (p. 56). (/isis/citation/CBB001034304/) unapi

Article Zonta, Mauro; Freudenthal, Gad (2009)
Nicomachus of Gerasa in Spain, circa 1100: Abraham Bar Ḥiyya's Testimony. Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (p. 189). (/isis/citation/CBB000932292/) unapi


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