Person ID: CBA000033083

Forster, Georg

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Birth and Death Dates 1754-1794

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Article Rose, Edwin (2020)
Publishing Nature in an Age of Revolutions: Joseph Banks, Georg Forster and the Plants of the Pacific. Historical Journal (pp. 1132-1159). (/isis/citation/CBB408306473/) unapi

Book Jurgen Goldstein (2019)
Georg Forster: Voyager, Naturalist, Revolutionary. (/isis/citation/CBB308324095/) unapi

Book Julian Drews; Ottmar Ette; Tobias Kraft; et al. (2017)
Forster - Humboldt - Chamisso: Weltreisende im Spannungsfeld der Kulturen. (/isis/citation/CBB892473985/) unapi

Article Zhang, Chunjie (2013)
Georg Forster in Tahiti: Enlightenment, Sentiment and the Intrusion of the South Seas. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (pp. 263-277). (/isis/citation/CBB001451624/) unapi

Article László Kontler (2013)
Mankind and its Histories: William Robertson, Georg Forster, and a Late Eighteenth-Century German Debate. Intellectual History Review (pp. 411-429). (/isis/citation/CBB366097796/) unapi

Chapter Niekerk, Carl (2012)
Translating the Pacific: Georg Forster's A Voyage Round the World/Reise um die Welt (1777--1780). In: Travel Narratives in Translation, 1750--1830: Nationalism, Ideology, Gender (p. 110). (/isis/citation/CBB001202019/) unapi

Article Bödeker, Hans Erich (2010)
Georg Forsters Entwurf einer “Wissenschaft vom Menschen”. NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin (p. 137). (/isis/citation/CBB001033961/) unapi

Article Dippel, Horst (2010)
Revolutionäre Anthropologie. Oder der Versuch, Georg Forster neu zu lesen. Historische Zeitschrift (p. 23). (/isis/citation/CBB001231409/) unapi

Chapter Bödeker, Hans Erich (1999)
Aufklärerische ethnologische Praxis: Johann Reinhold Forster und Georg Forster. In: Wissenschaft als kulturelle Praxis, 1750-1900 (p. 227). (/isis/citation/CBB000082028/) unapi

Article Nicolson, Dan H. (1998)
First taxonomic assessment of Georg Forster's botanical artwork at Gotha (Thuringia, Germany). Taxon (pp. 581-592). (/isis/citation/CBB000082008/) unapi

Article Kaufmann, Doris (1998)
Les sexes et la nature humaine dans le Voyage autour du monde de Georg Forster (1772-1775). Gradhiva (Département Archives et d'Ethnographie du Musée de l'Homme, Paris) (pp. 61-66). (/isis/citation/CBB000077845/) unapi

Book Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta; Krüger, Gundolf (1998)
James Cook: Gifts and treasures from the South Seas: The Cook/Forster Collection, Göttingen. (/isis/citation/CBB000081944/) unapi

Chapter Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen; Reichardt, Rolf (1997)
L'universe livresque d'un philosophe allemand: Libraires, livres et lectures de Georg Forster. In: Le livre et l'historien: Etudes offertes en l'honneur du Professeur Henri-Jean Martin (p. 613). (/isis/citation/CBB000075664/) unapi

Chapter Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen; Reichardt, Rolf (1997)
L'univers livresque d'un philosophe allemand: Libraires, livres et lectures de Georg Forster. In: Le livre et l'historien: Etudes offertes en l'honneur du Professeur Henri-Jean Martin (p. 613). (/isis/citation/CBB000079045/) unapi

Book Le Muséum au premier siècle de son histoire (1997). (/isis/citation/CBB000076024/) unapi

Article Strack, Thomas (1996)
Philosophical anthropology on the eve of biological determinism: Immanuel Kant and Georg Forster on the moral qualities and biological characteristics of the human race. Central European History (pp. 285-308). (/isis/citation/CBB000074452/) unapi

Chapter Thomas, Nicholas (1996)
Liberty and licence: The Forsters' account of New Zealand sociality. In: Transports: Travel, pleasure, and imaginative geography, 1600-1830 (p. 243). (/isis/citation/CBB000078684/) unapi

Article Caspar Friedrich Wolff und die Embryologie seiner Zeit (1995). Biologisches Zentralblatt (pp. 179-215). (/isis/citation/CBB000071599/) unapi

Article Strack, Thomas (1995)
Zur kulturellen Dimension individueller Fremderfahrung: Georg Forsters Reise um die Welt als Kommentar zum kognitiv-kommunikativen Potential des Reiseberichts. Zeitschrift für Deutsche Philologie (pp. 161-181). (/isis/citation/CBB000040945/) unapi

Article Siemion, Ignacy Z. (1995)
Chemiczne i alchemiczne próby Jerzego Forstera. (Georg Forster's chemical and alchemical activities). Analecta: Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki (pp. 73-103). (/isis/citation/CBB000049707/) unapi


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