Person ID: CBA000030028

Euler, Leonhard

Show 230 citations related to Euler, Leonhard
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Birth and Death Dates 1707-1783

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Book Davide Gullotto (2023)
La Repubblica dei Matematici. Storia dell’analisi matematica nell’età di Euler e Leibniz. (/isis/citation/CBB269641386/) unapi

Article Galina I. Sinkevich (2023)
On the Development of a Complex Number Interpretation from the 16th to the End of the 19th century. Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 172-207). (/isis/citation/CBB986120792/) unapi

Book Dora Musielak (2022)
Leonhard Euler and the Foundations of Celestial Mechanics. (/isis/citation/CBB706112176/) unapi

Article Wolfgang Köberer (2022)
German Contributions to Solving the Longitude Problem in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. The Mariner's Mirror (pp. 262-285). (/isis/citation/CBB498014216/) unapi

Article Sylvio R. Bistafa (2022)
Euler first theory of resonance. Archive for History of Exact Sciences (pp. 207-221). (/isis/citation/CBB271814830/) unapi

Article John D Bullock; Ronald E Warwar; H Bradford Hawley (2022)
Why was Leonhard Euler blind?. British Journal for the History of Mathematics (pp. 24-42). (/isis/citation/CBB050825039/) unapi

Article Andrea Reichenberger (2021)
Émilie Du Châtelet on Space and Time. Revue d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 331-355). (/isis/citation/CBB162504912/) unapi

Article E. Chassefière (2021)
Aurora borealis systems in the German-Russian world in the first half of the eighteenth century: the cases of Friedrich Christoph Mayer and Leonhard Euler. Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (pp. 162-196). (/isis/citation/CBB398070532/) unapi

Article Elisa Patergnani; Luigi Pepe (2021)
Les mathématiciens français et italiens du «siècle long»: 1700-1814. Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche (pp. 163-179). (/isis/citation/CBB124027972/) unapi

Article Giovanni Ferraro (2020)
Euler and the Structure of Mathematics. Historia Mathematica (pp. 2-24). (/isis/citation/CBB453451930/) unapi

Book Alberto Cogliati (2020)
Ars inveniendi. (/isis/citation/CBB525882872/) unapi

Book Ronald S. Calinger; Ekaterina Denisova; Elena N. Polyakhova (2019)
Leonhard Euler's Letters to a German Princess: A Milestone in the History of Physics Textbooks and More. (/isis/citation/CBB133758978/) unapi

Article Pablo Rodríguez-Vellando (2019)
…and so Euler discovered Differential Equations. Foundations of Science (pp. 343-374). (/isis/citation/CBB813685606/) unapi

Article Erik R. Tou (2019)
Bernoullian Influences on Leonhard Euler’s Early Fluid Mechanics. British Journal for the History of Mathematics (pp. 104-117). (/isis/citation/CBB776843735/) unapi

Article John T. E. Richardson (2019)
Who Introduced Western Mathematicians to Latin Squares?. British Journal for the History of Mathematics (pp. 95-103). (/isis/citation/CBB832982278/) unapi

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Guida alla lettura del "Tentamen novae theoriae musicae" di Eulero. Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche (pp. 235-285). (/isis/citation/CBB702093931/) unapi

Article Eberhard Knobloch (2018)
Euler and d’Alembert — Brothers Only in Mind. Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum (pp. 106-126). (/isis/citation/CBB669654030/) unapi

Book Robin Wilson (2018)
Euler's Pioneering Equation: The Most Beautiful Theorem in Mathematics. (/isis/citation/CBB497710314/) unapi

Article Maria Rosaria Enea; Giovanni Ferraro; Giovanni Capobianco (2017)
Geometry and Analysis in Euler’s Integral Calculus. Archive for History of Exact Sciences (pp. 1-38). (/isis/citation/CBB172886959/) unapi

Article Jens Lemanski (2017)
Periods in the Use of Euler-Type Diagrams. Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum (pp. 50-69). (/isis/citation/CBB440930043/) unapi


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