23 citations
related to Cudworth, Ralph
23 citations
related to Cudworth, Ralph as a subject or category
Birth and Death Dates 1617-1688
David Leech
Cudworth on Superintellectual Instinct as Inclination to the Good.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
(pp. 954-970).
Douglas Hedley
Gods and Giants: Cudworth’s Platonic Metaphysics and His Ancient Theology.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
(pp. 932-953).
Sarah Hutton
Salving the Phenomena of Mind: Energy, Hegemonikon, and Sympathy in Cudworth.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
(pp. 465-486).
John J. Callanan
Kant on the Spontaneous Power of the Mind.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
(pp. 565-588).
Federico Boccaccini; Anna Marmodoro
Powers, Abilities and Skills in Early Modern Philosophy.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
(pp. 435-442).
Nachtomy, Ohad; Smith, Justin E. H.
The Life Sciences in Early Modern Philosophy.
Carter, Benjamin
Ralph Cudworth and the Theological Origins of Consciousness.
History of the Human Sciences
(pp. 29-47).
Giglioni, Guido
The Cosmoplastic System of the Universe: Ralph Cudworth's Analysis of Stoic Naturalism.
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
(p. 313).
Breteau, Jean-Louis
Chaos and Order in Cudworth's Thought.
In: Platonism at the Origins of Modernity: Studies on Platonism and Early Modern Philosophy
(p. 131).
Simonutti, Luisa
Dal Necessario al Possibile: Determinismo e libertà nel pensiero anglo-olandese del XVII secolo.
Hutton, Sarah
Aristotle and the Cambridge Platonists: The case of Cudworth.
In: Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Conversations with Aristotle
(p. 337).
Book Aufklärung und Esoterik (1999). (/isis/citation/CBB000082141/)
Ealy, Lenore T.
Reading the signatures of the divine author: Providence, nature, and history in Ralph Cudworth's Anglican apologetic.
Article Une métaphysique pour la morale: Les Platoniciens de Cambridge: Henry More et Ralph Cudworth (1995). Archives de Philosophie (pp. 353-441). (/isis/citation/CBB000071051/)
Rosa, Susan
Ralph Cudworth in the République des lettres: The controversy about plastick nature and the reputation of Pierre Bayle.
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
(pp. 147-160).
Benítez, Laura; Robles, José A.
Ralph Cudworth (1617-1688) sobre la infinitud de Dios.
Mathesis: Filosofía e Historia de las Matemáticas
(pp. 129-152).
Simonutti, L.
Bayle and Le Clerc as readers of Cudworth: Elements of the debate on plastic nature in the Dutch learned journals.
Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte in Nederland
(pp. 147-166).
Baldi, Marialuisa
Il “vero sistema” dell'universo e il conflitto delle tradizioni in Cudworth.
In: L'interpretazione nei secoli XVI e XVII: Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Milano (18-20 novembre 1991), Parigi (6-8 dicembre 1991)
(p. 185).
Gabbey, Alan
Cudworth, More and the mechanical analogy.
In: Philosophy, science, and religion in England, 1640-1700
(p. 109).
Jacob, Alexander
The Neoplatonic conception of nature in More, Cudworth, and Berkeley.
In: The uses of antiquity: The Scientific Revolution and the classical tradition
(p. 101).
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