13 citations
related to Barnouw, Jeffrey
13 citations
related to Barnouw, Jeffrey as an author
Book Hobbes et son vocabulaire: Études de lexicographie philosophique (1992). (/isis/citation/CBB000046988/)
Barnouw, Jeffrey
Passion as “confused” perception or thought in Descartes, Malebranche, and Hutcheson.
Journal of the History of Ideas
(pp. 397-424).
Book Hobbes e Spinoza: Scienza e politica: Atti del Convegno Internazionale Urbino, 14-17 ottobre, 1988 (1992). (/isis/citation/CBB000030767/)
Zarka, Yves Charles
Thomas Hobbes: Philosophie première, théorie de la science et politique. Avec la collaboration de Bernhardt, Jean. Introduction de Raymond Polin.
Barnouw, Jeffrey
Hobbes's psychology of thought: Endeavours, purpose and curiosity.
History of European Ideas
(pp. 519-545).
Amrine, Frederick; Zucker, Francis J.; Wheeler, Harvey
Goethe and the sciences: A reappraisal.
Barnouw, Jeffrey
Psychologie empirique et épistémologie dans les Philosophische Versuche de Tetens.
Archives de Philosophie
(pp. 271-289).
Barnouw, Jeffrey
The separation of reason and faith in Bacon and Hobbes, and Leibniz's Theodicy.
Journal of the History of Ideas
(pp. 607-628).
Barnouw, Jeffrey
Hobbes's causal account of sensation.
Journal of the History of Philosophy
(pp. 115-130).
Barnouw, Jeffrey
Vico and the continuity of science: The relation of his epistemology to Bacon and Hobbes.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 609-620).
Barnouw, Jeffrey
Bacon and Hobbes: The conception of experience in the scientific revolution.
Science, Technology, and the Humanities
(pp. 92-110).
Barnouw, Jeffrey
The philosophical achievement and historical significance of Johann Nicolas Tetens.
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
(pp. 301-335).
Barnouw, Jeffrey
Active experience vs. wishfulfilment in Francis Bacon's moral psychology of science.
Philosophical Forum
(pp. 78-99).
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